There are several possible unfavourable consequences from loss of teeth without replacement:
- Drifting of adjacent teeth: when there is a missing gap, opposing teeth may over-erupt adjacent teeth drif into the empty spaces resulting in food trapping and possible decay
- Difficulty of chewing : missing teeth causes issues in chewing that could possibly result in indigestion
- Poor appearance & bone loss: loss of youthful and facial structure appearance due to bone resorption
- Loss of lip support
- Poor speech : difficulty in speaking specially if front teeth is missing
The most common treatment options in replacing missing teeth are :
Now that we know why missing gaps should be replaced, there are several treatment options to restore teeth. These may include conventional dentures or dental bridges. However, one of the most ideal and recommended missing teeth replacement solution is dental implants. There are added benefits of having dental implants replacement as compared to traditional prostheses.
For a single missing tooth or several missing teeth, implants do rely on or taper with healthy adjacent teeth that dental bridges require. As implants act has new tooth roots, there are set into the jaw bone and can take the biting load pressure like a new natural tooth root.
For an endentulous individual, implants-supported dentures provide for better retention compared to conventional dentures. All-on-4 are fixed dentures that allows for immediate function. And implant full bridges are simliar to having a new set of teeth over each individual implant posts.