28 Dec

Immediate Load Implants

Immediate Loaded Dental Implants

Immediate loaded implants or immediate function implants is the case whereby the prosthetics or false teeth are placed onto the dental implant posts during the same phase after placement. Below is dental implant process for immedate load implants:   Immediate Loaded Dental Implants

  1. Tooth extraction (if required)
  2. Implant post placement
  3. Make and Fit Prosthetics on implant

With a immediate loaded dental implants procedure, phase 2 and 3 are done during the same phase. This means that a patient has new teeth in place during the same trip the implant posts in placed. Immediate load implants enables immediate function of teeth.

Why Immediate Loaded Dental Implants Procedure

  • prosthesis is placed shortly after implant placement enabling immediate function of teeth
  • dental implant treatment timings is shorten with less trauma and an overall better patient experience

Contra-indications for Immediate Loaded Dental Implants Procedure

Your dentist or periodontist need to perform a comprehensive assessment before determing if immediate load dental implants are suited for each individual’s case. Immediate load implants requires:

  • Adequate bone that is able to support the dental implant
  • Scrupulous good oral hygiene
  • Good general overall health
  • Absence of teeth grinding habits
  • Willingness to adhere to a soft diet for 8 to 12 weeks post surgery
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