28 Dec

Conventional Dental Implants

Conventional Dental Implants

Conventional dental implants procedures refers to standard dental implant process that are done in 2 to 3 phases: standard dental implant process

  1. Tooth extraction (if required)
  2. Implant post placement
  3. Make and Fit Prosthetics on implant

With the conventional implants process, a period of healing/monitoring time is left for each of the above phases before proceeding to the next step between phase 1, 2 and 3. The conventional dental implant processes is normally done over 2 to 3 trips depending on whether teeth is first removed back home with an osseointegration time period of about 2 months or more. Some form of provisional tempories (such as partial denture, full denture or temporary bridge) may be worn during the healing phase so that the individual is with teeth at all times.Tooth extraction (if required)

Why Conventional Dental Implant Processes

  • Conventional implant processes is an established dental implant process with very high success rates and good historical case studies.
  • Individuals with varying bone quality and bone conditions are able to have dental implants treatments. Whereas good immediate implants and immediate loaded implants will required adequate bone support before the dental implant process is recommended to them.
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